Thursday, December 13, 2007

Badge Wheel

I found this great "Badge Wheel" showing all the badges and awards that can be earned by Canadian Cub Scouts. Once earned, they are sewn onto a sash (in an approved placement order) and worn across the front of their shirt. It is interesting in-so-far as showing other countries what is available for Cub Scouts in Canada. I haven't closely followed other countries to see what their badge programs or requirements are like compared to ours. Also, I have not heard of any Cub Scout earning all of these badges (I don't believe that it is possible to do so). The Cub Scout program runs three years, ages 8 to 10. Then they move onto Scouts. Plenty of time to earn plenty of badges.
To have a closer look at how all the badges and awards relate to each other, click on the wheel picture.
yours in Scouting... LE

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